Talentuum Blog by Ellpha

Diversity & Inclusion: Good for Business?

Julie and Jonathan work at the same tech company. They both arrived two years ago, they have the same job, are in the same team, have achieved similar results and are both well-valued members of the company. Despite this, Jonathan’s been promoted a few months ago, Julie hasn’t. He earns 25% more than Julie. Julie is one of only 5 women in her 23-person team. She believes she is not always taken as seriously as Jonathan when she voices her ideas to their manager.

Check it out

A Day in the Life of Maria: Navigating a Biased World

Maria is a 35-year old woman, born and raised in Mexico. She moved to the UK 13 years ago, got a degree in Maths and Economics and started working in Finance in London post-grad. She married Luca 9 years ago and has two children, Rita and Julio, aged 8 and 3. Let’s examine her life from close up to try and better understand some of the challenges she faces in our biased world.

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