Proven results.

Enterprises with Diverse teams

  • Make X2 Better Faster Decisions
  • Innovate X1.5 more
  • Attract X2 more Diverse talents
  • Are X3 more connected to their customers

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What customers love about Talentuum.

  • The Talent Growth plans level the playing field for all our talents, and limit the risk of bias & noise which often impact under-represented groups, even if this is unintended.    
  • It is an innovative mechanism – accretive to our existing Talent management processes, but it replaces for the better our existing old performance review, talent assessment, promotion case processes. And it is 100% digital and self-serve.
  • It is an incredible tool for our managers. It nudges them as they write their Talent Growth Plans. They reflect, learn from their own data which is invaluable. And they can do that in confidence and safely. The bias signals they receive and what they decide to act upon is their data and choice and no individual data is shared.
  • It provides unique HR analytics on how bias & noise manifest in our company. This is something we had never had before, and it creates new conversations and impetus to drive change. This is something we use and review in our executive committee quarterly. 
  • It is cost-effective. We spent Euros 35K for 300 talents. Our unconscious bias training cost us Euros 75K last year (to train 50 managers). Replacing our VP of Marketing who left 2 years after we hired her cost us 50K in direct costs, and had a massive negative impact on the team and the business.
  • Talentuum is super flexible - It works in ‘cycles’, measuring bias and noise where and when it matters, comparing talent populations according to grouping you decide. You can even use it for self-assessments.
  • It is also great to learn about bias in a very tangible way. There are deep A-ha moments when you see your own input being objectively looked at and realise you are also creating those bias and affecting the talents you manage
Discover Talentuum

We know building a diverse organisation is the right thing to do, even if we lack data. However, seeing for the first time Talentuum bias index dashboards which compares different talent groups in our company has been a aha moment for our leadership team and has convinced us to double down on our D&I efforts’

Talentuum Client

I did our unconscious bias training which was useful but difficult to put in practice. Using Talentuum and writing the Talent Growth Plan of all of my team members has been an enlightening moment. I really like the fact that I can ‘bias check’ my document and get an opportunity to self-reflect and ensure the way I represent all my talents is fair and balanced. I have discovered a lot about my own bias. This has been humbling but I know I am also making progress’ 

Talentuum User

‘Thousands of research articles have been published on the practice of performance appraisals. Most researchers find such appraisal are exceedingly noisy…the relationship between job performance and ratings of job performance is likely to be weak or at best uncertain…Even when the feedback is purely development, ratings remain noisy. One study found that 90% of managers, employees and HR believe that their performance management process fail to deliver the results they expected…In our views, much more could be done ’ Chapter 23, pages 290 -291


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