‘We know building a diverse organisation is the right thing to do, even if we lack data. However, seeing for the first time Talentuum bias index dashboards which compares different talent groups in our company has been a aha moment for our leadership team and has convinced us to double down on our D&I efforts’
Talentuum Client
‘I did our unconscious bias training which was useful but difficult to put in practice. Using Talentuum and writing the Talent Growth Plan of all of my team members has been an enlightening moment. I really like the fact that I can ‘bias check’ my document and get an opportunity to self-reflect and ensure the way I represent all my talents is fair and balanced. I have discovered a lot about my own bias. This has been humbling but I know I am also making progress’
Talentuum User
‘Thousands of research articles have been published on the practice of performance appraisals. Most researchers find such appraisal are exceedingly noisy…the relationship between job performance and ratings of job performance is likely to be weak or at best uncertain…Even when the feedback is purely development, ratings remain noisy. One study found that 90% of managers, employees and HR believe that their performance management process fail to deliver the results they expected…In our views, much more could be done ’ Chapter 23, pages 290 -291